Monday, July 28, 2008

Flora and Fauna

There seems to be a theme emerging on several of the blogs I read daily, namely Anna and Sharon, displaying the beautiful flora and fauna in their yards. I thought I would jump on the bandwagon with them. My husband showed me this little nest last weekend when he was mowing. I have been watching it all week and decided to get some pictures last Friday.
Aren't they adorable. There are five little baby robins in the little bitty nest. I couldn't get any closer because mama robin was really fussing at me. After reading Anna's post about her baby hawks I decided to run out and try to get another picture of the robins. This little one (well, not really so little)was out on a limb just chirping up a storm. I didn't want to scare him away to look into the nest so he(she, maybe) is the only one I could snap.
Can you see him/her out there? I guess it's almost to to fly the coop, make that nest. I'll try later this evening to see what the other four are up to.

Now on to the flora.
This is the first bloom on our hybiscus. This one is almost as big as a dinner plate. As you can see from the next picture, we are about to have many, many more blooms. I just love them!!

And, going from big to little this next shot is of a miniature pansy. I've never seem such small pansies ever.
This is a close up shot but each bloom is about the size of a nickel. So darn cute!! I'm a real dunce where gardening is concerned and was so surprised to see this one grow up and bloom this year. I REALLY need to get some books and learn a thing or two about the plants we have here in our yard.

These fields are not ours but this is what we see on all four sides of our property. And as the lyrics go - The corn is as high as an elephant's eye (even if we do live in Ohio and not Oklahoma).They planted soybeans last year and we find we really like the look of the corn better.
So, do you have any flora or fauna around your place you would like to share? It would be fun to know what's blooming at your house!

Thanks for stopping by! Happy quilting!